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Camel Modum Collection, Italy

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Sheen L8

Colors: Black, Special Order, Yellow/Gold, Red/Pink
Materials: Special Order Materials
Finishes: Special Order Finish
Item Description
Finishes: Shiny gold
Colors: Transparent with sheen effect
Lamp: 8 E14 x max 40

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Available Items   Qty in Stock Qty to Order Dimensions

Sheen L8

(MSRP) $3,901
Weight: 24 lbs

Sheen L8

(MSRP) $3,901
Qty in Stock:
Qty to Order:
Width 33.85"
Height 29.25"
Weight 24 lbs
Total price: $3,901

Inventory is updated on 05/31/2024
The inventory quantities are subject to change, please call for more updated information